2008年1月12日 星期六


Teaching topics from the New England Journal of Medicine - Vol. 358, No. 2, January 10, 2008

Q: How could intubating a patient exacerbate a circulatory shock state?
  1. Positive-pressure ventilation reduces the pressure gradient for venous return.
  2. Many anesthesia-induction agents may exacerbate shock by means of either centrally medicated sympatholysis or direct vasodilatation.
  3. PEEP use.

1 則留言:

Wtsnb 提到...

dear doctor, may i ask u a question. ABout a patient, female, 53 yo, hypertensive, constantly taking atenolol. periodically patient has dizziness attack, usually provoked by prolong stay under sun, heat, not enough sleep. After applying chinese tradiitonal method 刮痧, the symptom relieved. How could we explain this from medical point of view? Can it be TIA? or hypertensive attack? thank you.