2009年11月24日 星期二

Migraine with aura and stroke

Is everyone who gets migraines at an increased risk of a stroke?
This large survey and editorial say:
  • Only the quarter of migraine sufferers who get an aura are at increased risk of stroke
  • Migraine with aura doubles a person's risk of having a stroke
  • Migraine is also associated with an increased risk of transient ischaemic attacks and angina. It isn't clear whether this is true for all migraine sufferers or only those with aura
  • Migraine without aura isn't associated with an increased risk of stroke
  • Aura is a transient neurological disturbance before or during the headache
  • Sensitivity to light, visual blurring, and fatigue are common accompaniments to migraine but should not be confused with aura
  • People who have migraine with aura should have their other risk factors treated (smoking, blood pressure, cholesterol, and blood glucose)
Source: BMJ 2009;339:b4380
