2010年2月26日 星期五

何謂 scabies?

Scabies is an ectoparasitic infection caused in humans by the scabies mite Sarcoptes scabiei variety hominis. Infection occurs as a result of direct skin-to-skin contact; fomite transmission from mites attached to clothing, bedding, and towels is uncommon. It is endemic in many impoverished communities.

What anatomical locations are most frequently affected by scabies?
In its classic presentation, lesions of scabies are most often present on the interdigital finger webs and flexor surfaces of the wrists. Elbows, axillae, buttocks, and genitalia are quite frequently involved as well, as are the breast areolae in women. Atypical presentations such as involvement of the scalp can occur in infants and the elderly.

